Einreise - Grosse Rote Objekte12

Entry/Customs – Large Red Objects

Installations and Performances, From Reichstagsgebäude to Brandenburger Tor, and Pariser Platz; From Tiergarten to Potsdamer Platz to Martin-Gropius-Bau and Checkpoint Charlie; From Amerika-Haus Berlin to Glienicker Brücke; Begins Jan. 1990, last observed Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin, 1991.

Object: Walking/performing - paper and wood object approximately two meters in diameter – emitting recorded sounds and conversation.

“Mit dem Ei kommen Sie nicht durch, aber versuchen Sie’s doch mal mit einem Pferd”.

“The 30-year-old artist wanted to bring his artwork LARGE RED OBJECTS into Russian occupied (red) East Berlin. The form, made of paper and wood, first caused laughter and amusement among the border guards. An officer said: “The egg has no identification papers – it could be dangerous, the egg can’t pass. Besides, we already let pass a cow artwork and a dog…There seem to be no limits.” A helpful border guard said : “Why don’t you try a horse, that’s permitted.”